Also known as spreading aster, this beauty has graceful, arching stems clad in rough-textured leaves. Each stem produces a single, violet-blue flower at its tip. It keeps blooming after most asters have finished, so it's a good source of food for late-season pollinators. It's easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Most asters are prone to powdery mildew, but good air circulation helps to reduce risk of disease. Poorly drained clay soils may cause wilting.
- Grows 2-3' tall and 1.5-2' wide.
- Prefers full sun but tolerates some shade.
- Prefers average to dry, rocky or sandy soils but adapts to other soil types.
- Blooms August-October with 1" yellow-centered, daisy-like flowers.
- Untoothed, stem-clasping, ovate-oblong leaves (to 2" long) are rough-textured and hairy.
Wildlife Value: Members of this genus support 7 species of specialized bees. Asters host 112 species of Lepidoptera larvae.
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