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Orientation to our Event


Updated: Oct 18, 2020

Welcome to Leaves for Wildlife Native Nursery (& developing wildlife preserve)!

Don't Miss the Free Cider and Pumpkin Muffins :-)

Natives in Harmony

Gale Martin is situated out on the lawn toward the pond. Her perennials are $3 for plugs and $6 for quart-sized plants.

Riverside Native Trees

Ed Kapraly is set up behind the outbuilding. Bushes are $18 and trees range from

$18-$22, depending on height.

Would you like to earn some free plants?

There are always ongoing projects here at L4WL. Please let us know if you're interested in helping out in exchange for plants. Current projects include planting new trees, bushes and perennials, removing invasives, painting the outbuilding, prepping trees for over-wintering, cleaning up the garden, planting cover crops for winter and much more!

My vision for L4WL

I’m excited to partner with all of you to invite nature back into our living spaces! Beyond selling plants, I want to pass along what I’m learning from others who started down this path before me. Join my newsletter list, and follow L4WL on Instagram and Facebook, and let’s make this a movement!



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